
Buy a diamond ring to increase the value of stress

married May of the upcoming summit, the city's major shopping malls have carried out the wedding theme promotion.For many people, the purchase of a diamond is an indispensable step to see things in a blur, but the style, sales staff have a glib tongue, is really getting confused.

"Diamond ring size, cutting, cleanliness are very particular about, how to choose?"A few days ago, the reporter interviewed China University of Geosciences Professor Guo Ying jewelry.Reporter Xu Jia trend: diamond prices rise every year in Guo Ying, diamond prices rose every year, used to hedge no problem.

"The price of gold to rise and fall, advance wave upon wave, but diamond prices have been rising every year, fixed up 2 to 3 times, even 4 times."Guo Ying says frankly, although diamond prices rise every year, but domestic consumer experience is not obvious.

"Diamonds are priced in dollars, in recent years, the continued appreciation of the yuan, offset the increases.A carat standard commercial drilling as an example, its domestic prices have for many years not produce too big change.

In the domestic retail market, although there are also rose diamond, but not great, may each year are just a few percentage points."Investment: recommendations for the selection of a carat if buy a diamond ring, Guo Ying suggested that the choice of 0.

3 carat."If it is under 0.3 carat diamond cutting process, can make the brightness, luster cannot come out."Guo Ying said, now 0.3 carat or even a 0.5 carat diamond ring, has become the mainstream of the market.

"In the international market, 0.5 carat diamond lower belongs to.Of course, if economic conditions permit, may consider buying a 0.7 carat diamond ring, diamond fire will be very clear."If you buy a diamond ring to achieve the purpose of Guo Ying recommended to choose a revaluation, carat.

If you want to appreciate the space is large, can choose to "perfect diamond", namely 4C standard (weight, color, clarity, cut) is the highest level."The same is a one carat diamond," the perfect diamond "price than the standard commercial drilling at least doubled.

"Guo Ying expresses, large particles, colored lines, shaped diamonds, will have a greater appreciation of space."The diamond carat premium system, the quality of each twice, unit price will be the last step, prices have risen faster.

Like the 2 carat diamond, 3 carats this year, up 20% to 30% are possible."Guo Ying suggests that, if you want to invest proposal before the end of the year, buy color diamond."From the end of last year to early this year, the international color diamond prices around 4 months and up three into.

"Remind: Diamond Emerald more easily than circulation "and Emerald Diamond compared, more suitable for investment in its in two levels of markets easier circulation.Because the diamond is the international standard, normal product with identification certificate, good pricing.

"Guo Ying said, if you take the jade to pawn, pawn valuation will be puzzled, and diamonds can easily estimate, the consumer's heart also has a bottom."I don't recommend ordinary consumers buy no diamonds.

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