
Buy a diamond ring to increase the value of stress

married May of the upcoming summit, the city's major shopping malls have carried out the wedding theme promotion.For many people, the purchase of a diamond is an indispensable step to see things in a blur, but the style, sales staff have a glib tongue, is really getting confused.

"Diamond ring size, cutting, cleanliness are very particular about, how to choose?"A few days ago, the reporter interviewed China University of Geosciences Professor Guo Ying jewelry.Reporter Xu Jia trend: diamond prices rise every year in Guo Ying, diamond prices rose every year, used to hedge no problem.

"The price of gold to rise and fall, advance wave upon wave, but diamond prices have been rising every year, fixed up 2 to 3 times, even 4 times."Guo Ying says frankly, although diamond prices rise every year, but domestic consumer experience is not obvious.

"Diamonds are priced in dollars, in recent years, the continued appreciation of the yuan, offset the increases.A carat standard commercial drilling as an example, its domestic prices have for many years not produce too big change.

In the domestic retail market, although there are also rose diamond, but not great, may each year are just a few percentage points."Investment: recommendations for the selection of a carat if buy a diamond ring, Guo Ying suggested that the choice of 0.

3 carat."If it is under 0.3 carat diamond cutting process, can make the brightness, luster cannot come out."Guo Ying said, now 0.3 carat or even a 0.5 carat diamond ring, has become the mainstream of the market.

"In the international market, 0.5 carat diamond lower belongs to.Of course, if economic conditions permit, may consider buying a 0.7 carat diamond ring, diamond fire will be very clear."If you buy a diamond ring to achieve the purpose of Guo Ying recommended to choose a revaluation, carat.

If you want to appreciate the space is large, can choose to "perfect diamond", namely 4C standard (weight, color, clarity, cut) is the highest level."The same is a one carat diamond," the perfect diamond "price than the standard commercial drilling at least doubled.

"Guo Ying expresses, large particles, colored lines, shaped diamonds, will have a greater appreciation of space."The diamond carat premium system, the quality of each twice, unit price will be the last step, prices have risen faster.

Like the 2 carat diamond, 3 carats this year, up 20% to 30% are possible."Guo Ying suggests that, if you want to invest proposal before the end of the year, buy color diamond."From the end of last year to early this year, the international color diamond prices around 4 months and up three into.

"Remind: Diamond Emerald more easily than circulation "and Emerald Diamond compared, more suitable for investment in its in two levels of markets easier circulation.Because the diamond is the international standard, normal product with identification certificate, good pricing.

"Guo Ying said, if you take the jade to pawn, pawn valuation will be puzzled, and diamonds can easily estimate, the consumer's heart also has a bottom."I don't recommend ordinary consumers buy no diamonds.

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publications and other media to advertise.

    in recent years, often found in markets as well as various media advertising in the "Golden Book", "silver book", by the national press and Publication Administration issued "on the prohibition of publishing" Golden Book "luxury packaging, pricing expensive book notice" to explicitly call stop: starting from May 1st this year, banned from publication, the sale of such products, it is also forbidden to newspapers, publications and other media to advertise.
The so-called "Golden Book", "silver book", is the choice of gold, silver and other precious materials for the carrier printed, some also with gold or jewels or precious natural wood packaging and decoration of a publication product.
It is understood, in the current market sales of such products about dozens of species, most of the content for the leader, the prestigious poetry handwriting and ancient books and so on.    with the General Administration of press and publication of a "halt" after the introduction, have frequently appeared in bookstores, large stores "Golden Book", now almost disappeared.
Reporters yesterday found in Shenyang have all the shelves.At the same time, the Shenyang Municipal Bureau of press and publication will also recently to "stop order" to carry out comprehensive big examination, thus ensuring the city no longer "Golden Book".
In recent years, some purity above 99.99% gold to create the "Golden Book", such as "Diamond Sutra", "book of changes", "Analects of Confucius", "grandchildren strategics" have landing Shenyang.Similar to the "Golden Book" basic prices of more than ten thousand yuan, and sales are very unpopular.
Reportedly, "Golden Book" vendors will generally choose in the bookstore, shopping malls and other people concentrated or cultural atmosphere of strong local sales.The reporter on May 9th afternoon came to the Xinhua Bookstore, the North City Library and ZTE, commercial city and other large stores, found that there is no "Golden Book" figure, the original sales counter is empty.
According to the sources, the sale of "Golden Book" of these counters are rented, the operating personnel in the "five one" period has not been seen.At the same time, Shenyang City Press and Publication Bureau relevant responsible person said yesterday in an interview with reporters, preparing them to be in the near future in the national press and Publication Administration "stop order", the "Golden Book", "silver book" carried out comprehensive big examination, thus ensuring the city no longer such a book.
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taobao.com engaged in silver jewelry Mr Zhu says

Preface :integration of billboard top 100 brand ,to create Gome marketing channel in the decorated store large line storage center renderings   ;  ;now ,the gradual popularization of the Internet ,China is quietly subversive jewelry marketing model ,many domestic and foreign jewelry shop terminal and the emerging of various kinds of net inn through the Internet to seek beyond the middleman can direct docking suppliers ,to pursue their own interests in the greater .
In 2009, Taobao and other small shop jewelry sales volume exceeded tens of billions of dollars ;and then the most let medium and small shop owners headaches or supply problems ,and manufacturers of direct docking ,avoid middlemen exploitation etc.
.  ;  ;taobao.com engaged in silver jewelry Mr Zhu says : each purchase directly to manufacturers of goods ,to avoid the intermediate business interests exploit .Each purchase amount is small ,run factories thought ,at the same time as the small shop owners ,goods single are hard to make profit .
How firm butt ,was Mr Zhu the owners of a headache problem .  ;  ;terminal jewelry distribution is a headache ,for small and medium-sized sellers, insufficient funds themselves ,manufacturers direct cooperation with you the threshold is very high ,go to the market to take the goods ,the price is high, and the supply is not stable ,do not have competitive advantage ;independent supply procurement ,is very difficult .
Even if you are able to independently supply procurement ,stock Yahuo risk for the vast number of small and medium-sized sellers are very difficult for the cancellation .Jewelry is a seasonal very strong industry, each purchase too easily cause keep long in stock ,stock and causing less difficult to sell less .
The single ,sales are affected .Located in remote areas ,local two distributors purchase channel, its hard to jump out of the two dealers supply channels monopoly .How to direct and manufacturers first docking ,get their favorite goods ,has been the terminal small jewelry dealer worries .
Mr. Tang has been in Tianjin ,Tianjin Nahuo ,sometimes also go to Qingdao to take the goods ,but not to restock the premise, the purchase costs have been unable to control it ,often had to go to Qingdao .
Like a direct and national first-line manufacturers realize supply channels docking ,but do not know from where proceed with .  ;  ;China Jewelry China jewelry industry network as the authority of the media ,has been the small and medium-sized network and channel terminal operators to focus ,each season jewelry popular direction ,a jewelry brands are they important industry information management .
Every day there are a considerable number of shop owners and terminal distributors try to call China jewelry network inquiry and manufacturers of docking methods ,China jewelry network reception staff patiently to provide him with the authority of industry information for their selection ,more time is to provide corresponding manufacturers call contact method ,let them directly with the manufacturers AC .
But too small to restock, manufacturers are also extremely scrambling .  ;  ;for the Internet rapid development trend ,online cargo demand and distribution terminal small goods demand increases ceaselessly ,the trickle can also be merged into a river ,in the jewelry industry services ,to lead the industry development purposes ,China jewelry network decided in Zhejiang Yiwu to create a world jewelry manufacturers and small demand shop the owner and dealer terminal between the docking platform - - - - - in the decoration store large line storage center .
Let the first well-known jewelry brand jewelry and small shop owners and the dealer terminal to meet directly ,through the decorative mall e-commerce platform can solve the small shop across different sources of Amoy trouble ,but also solved the small goods demand for manufacturers to cause distress .
  ;  ;is located in Yiwu City Rail Road No. 192 Ibero-American Fashion Square in two buildings decorated store large line storage center ,is a jewelry company managers play referred to as world small states .
National first-line well-known jewelry manufacturers have set up here in counters ,accredited professional talent of electronic business affairs ,direct docking shop merchants and retail terminal operators ,for their small goods needs to provide the corresponding one to one service .
Not only solved the manufacturers of goods not directly face the first-line distributors ,manufacturers of consumer prices can not accurately grasp ,the first distribution of high and medium and small shop owners purchase channels are sluggish ,realize the diversification of win-win .
  ;  ;China jewelry billboard top 100 enterprises selection not only selection about Chinese jewelry industry leading enterprises ,brand promotion of culture .China jewelry network to do is how to promote the development of China ,make Chinese jewelry Fengyun hundred enterprises products truly enter the Chinese domestic market .
This time the integration of industry top 100 brand resources ,the collection industry leading enterprises in the leading product groups in force ,force to move the huge Chinese jewelry market .
  ;  ;MIX-BOX Chinese jewelry industry has emerged ,the popular beauty ,flower ,red ,blue Belle ,bright Bay and ten fine jewelry chain brand ,annual sales of up to ten or twenty billion ,for the emerging jewelry industry sales is very good, but also the only Chinese jewelry consumption cake of the tip of the iceberg ,$200000000000 a year of the huge domestic needs more brands to marketing team .
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Line will join the diamond products debut at the Shanghai International Jewellery Fair, China jewel

Related articles:     Shenzhen line line line industry limited company will bring many ornaments new in May 10, 2012 to 13 at Shanghai international exhibition.    this line will debut Shanghai jewelry exhibition diamond products made painstaking efforts to develop, has the characteristics of.
Including break the normal procedure jewelry design a wearing ornaments series, set up their own system of the new gold watch series and so on.    reportedly, line grand launch of the latest one wearing a "variety of beautiful" ornaments series, only to buy a piece of jewelry can have many pieces of jewelry in order to bring the changes and beautiful, to satisfy a plurality of consumers, personalized the wearer's psychological needs, also yield lines of the core competitiveness of the product structure more busty.

Jewelry Design Studio decoration in the human, China jewelry network

Related articles:     "Ma said:" today was brutal, more brutal tomorrow, the day after tomorrow more beautiful, but the vast majority of dead in the road to tomorrow."" is this boy Cao Yuchang hanging in the mouth.
He said, he remembers his dream, even though the road is rough, never give up.Create personalized studio was born in 1987 in the Cao rain, looks better than peers experienced a lot of."It is their own suffering.
"Cao Yu says.In front of him, be careless about one's dress, hand lacerate at, now busy busy with their own shops reinvented."Once upon a time the main selling silver jewelry is for a living, and later on to jewelry design, generally speaking, is to add working jade.
"Cao Yu says.Now, more and more people recognized him, but always remember his shop, can't pronounce his name.In order to let others have a memorable impression, Cao rain to decoration, to create a personalized studio.
Insist on the dream of yearning for Cao Yu is the Nantong person, in Yangzhou commerce university of higher occupation school of jewellery design and professional jade identification."Two classes of students, is now engaged in jewelry and associated with only 4 people.
"Cao rain finger side's girlfriend Wang Zheng said, "she is a."Below the support of family, he is in technology square opened a jade shop.A year ago, he was in Wenchang Parkway and girlfriend also opened a silver shop.
Silverware shop down, losing badly.Cao Yu found, more and more people to the pursuit of personalized jewelry.He suddenly a bright eyes, why don't you with your own design ideas, do some "decorated" in the human thing?At first, he also met with many difficulties, not knowing where to find good processing plant, do not know what is the price of diamonds.
He is a little bit of exploration, the first product to get the guests satisfied with the reply, Cao Yule."Everyone has a pair of eyes appreciate beautiful things, I love the design, but also from the heart's yearning and pursuit of beauty.
"Cao Yu told reporters, when some guests propose the idea, he will use two days to draw the design drawing.Gradually, more and more people know the Cao rain.The dream team of designers set up less than a year's time, Cao rain had received jade, diamond ring, such as more than 100 letters chain order.
Recently, also customize a pair of Gold Ruby and sapphire dice.In order to make every guest satisfied, he once took a silver custom single, dig go after all the costs, he only earned 2.5 yuan."People believe I will come, not plan to make money.
"Cao Yu says.Today, Cao Yu's business is still in the balance state.Family again and again urge it to give up, looking for a stable job, he was rejected.Cao Yu said, in a lot of big city, jewelry design is very popular, while Yangzhou has just started.
His studio will gradually on the right track."Jewelry personalized design is a future trend."Cao Yu said, his desire to one day in the future to the formation of a team of designers, for every person in need of the good design jewelry.

Jewelry Changle Fashion Week Sapphire night performances, China jewelry network

Related articles: Changle Fangshan Sapphire Limited hosted the 2012 Changle Fashion Week "Sapphire night" performances in China gem city.member of leading Party group of county government, county public security bureau director to Shi Ruxiang attends, vice chairman of CPPCC, county Party Committee United Front Work minister Teng Jianxun speech, Teng Jianxun said, in Changle province is very rich in resources, mine area of 450 square kilometers, the total area of the County of 1/3, reserve amounts to billions of carat, is the world's rare large sapphire mining, is the famous "China sapphire are".

Changle county Party committee, county government to create "one hundred billion industry" as the goal, vigorously develop the jewelry industry, to China Gem City for renovation and expansion project, expand the size of the market, has been formed from the sapphire mining, processing, jewelry inlaid into the wholesale sales as one of a complete industrial chain, in the market brings together the sapphire, gold, silver, and other hundreds of jewelry products.

Jade Zhangfuquhuan prices return to rational, China jewelry network

Related articles:         since the network are disclosed jade do false details, market consumers with profound respect and humility, some is more extreme, "the market is now on the jade and really?"There is no denying the fact, now the fake emerald technology more and more brillant, but is not available on the market without genuine emerald.
Nowadays, jade prices began to slow down.From the recently held in Shanghai eleventh "three sides" of jade jewelry boutique show that over the past year, high-end jade average rose nearly three into, this increase than before 40% or more than 50% of the total, have been slower, while the low-end jade because of capital withdrawal, price bubbles being squeezed, prices return to rational.
The lower end of jade did not preserve and increase the value of Rowling and also a national jewelry appraisal division, one of her friends and she complained of his wrist at the emerald bracelet yellow.
Rowling also said to himself: "this" the emerald bracelet "best not to, for fear of the inside of the chemical raw material harmful to the human body."But her mouth is not to say, not yet say don't break the heart of a friend.
In the flag Mineyama art museum's gallery jade shop work Wang Lin says, jade bracelets are often more than the average jade jewelry is more expensive, because Bracelet comparative material costs."We suggest investors should be rational, in their economic capacity within the framework of the purchase, but also to know, the fine jade, its appreciate the space is larger, if they can afford 10000 yuan jade, don't buy a 6000 yuan, although the province under $4000, but by second years, the original ten thousand yuan jade price may be 6000 yuan jade several times.

Jade market potential big four, China jewelry network

Related articles: All the time since, jade market are lurking "four big killer".The so-called "big four" refers to the "water bubble" (albite jade), "tumbler", "Kunjiu" and "mozhizi's", the 4 types of jade in the eye, although and jade have similar faces, but de Jade and jade and jade have a noble a world of difference, in the jade trade industry never considered emerald, and the value is far lower than the emerald.
"Water foam" is albite jade, hard sodium jade, jadeite deposits produced in the periphery, the appearance is like the bottom of ice or ice bottom or bottom of ice floating flowers jade, but is not jade.
"Tumbler" for the Burmese transliteration, because this kind of green jade produced in northern Burma known as the "grape", "phonetic approximation tumbler"."Tumbler" composition having water Grossular, chalcedony or opal, but cannot be called jade.
"Kunjiu" is also the name of Burmese Chinese transliteration, transparent to translucent, pale blue or blue-gray color, as a band, ribbon output.This kind of ore appearance similar to water, more greyish-green, head is good, it is revealed the green decorative bands, containing more impurities.
"Kunjiu" by some scholars known as "jade", its market value is far lower than the emerald."Mozhizi's" Ruili in Yunnan, Tengchong market is relatively common, its mineral composition and structure and jade.
In fact is a special variety of jade, the traditional jewelry business called dry green jade."Mozhizi's" most prominent appearance is was dark green color, poor head, many coloured anhydrous.But also have quality "mozhizi's" head high, when being made of thin ring face, ear piece of jewelry, rich colors of green, known as the "wide", have a high ornamental value and commercial value, of course, most of the "mozhizi's" head is very dry, sold at a much lower price.

Jade jewelry test center in Dongning port power to Russian gem trade, China jewelry network

Related articles: Heilongjiang entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau of jade jewelry test center inaugurated the establishment.        Northeast network May 6th news (reporter Li You Lei Yin) reporter from the Heilongjiang entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the Bureau of jade jewelry Test Center recently in Dongning port officially inaugurated the establishment, Dongning port with the gem and the Kimberley process validation, testing capacity of blank, the port function more perfect.
Staff test sample         according to the introduction, in 2011 July, the State Quality Inspection Administration officially approved the inspection and Quarantine Bureau to carry out the system of Kimberley process certificate business, Dongning port as the only approved border port north Kimberley.
This inaugurated the establishment of the Heilongjiang entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau of jade jewelry test center, is mainly responsible for the Heilongjiang Province port detection and identification of jade jewelry business, gem testing appraisal of scientific research and technology development, services, and undertake statutory inspection and testing services.
        currently, county gem trade and processing projects progressing smoothly, has purchased from Russia, Xinjiang and other places of the gem stone 300 tons of raw materials, has been in Shanghai, Xinjiang, Henan, Anhui, Liaoning, Shandong and other places more than 40 enterprises to ground processing.
Inspection and quarantine departments, will be relying on jade jewelry test center to promote Kimberley port construction, for the relevant enterprises to Russian trade facilitation conditions, to support enterprises bigger and stronger, to drive my province to Russia trade health development.

Jade jade coin market price soares ups and downs, China jewelry network

Related articles:     in recent years, the folk art market continued warming, caused a large number of citizens participation.However, a collection of works of art to bring joy to people and economic returns at the same time, it also brings pain.
Discrimination of art give collectors breathless, investors and insiders are heavy-hearted -- the folk capital chasing jade soared in April 8th, the reporter in Chengguan District, City God Temple Antique Jewelry City Antique Market in an interview that, "Taobao" to people in a continuous line.
In these populations, in addition to a handful of collector, is more ordinary citizens.Citizen Wang Xiaohui in Zhangye Road, a jade store spent 480 yuan to buy a bracelet.The clerk told her bracelet is made of jade, jade is better.
Later, Wang Xiaohui in a shopping mall free detection of jade department after tests found, to buy their own bracelet is made of jade, jade bracelet is not, the market price is about 100 yuan."Art fakes on the market too much, it is generally difficult to discern.
"In the jade playing enthusiast Wang Bin old man, many ordinary citizens of jade is poorly understood, is relatively easy.Especially a novice, in general, when large investment blindness.Jade a Yang Junhai hit 19000 yuan, bought a piece of "and Tian Yu", Yang Junhai said: "at the beginning of last year, the only thing is about 10000 yuan, now nearly 20000 yuan!"According to the Lanzhou Jade Culture Institute president Hou Tianhong introduces, in last few years, "the Jade King" reputation of the jade, is also staged reality version of "Crazy Stone" scene, price soaring, compared with last year, the general jade products rose by about 30%, while the fine jade soar above 50%.
Since last year, soaring and not just Tian Yu and jade.Yunnan since the middle of the Huanglong jade boom, let the personage inside course of study more breathless.Huanglong jade previously worth almost with marble, and now every kilogram already rose to thousands or even million.
Reporters in Lanzhou City, Zhangye road antiques market random visited several jade shops, businesses have reflected, now more and more people invest in jade, the surge in demand, coupled with the original price, artificial cost and other market factors, jade prices are rising.
Wang Bin has deep experience, he said: from speculation, speculation, to today's gold, fried jade, in investment and leave unused capital is double drive below, many previous collections into folk capital chasing investment goods.

Into the prairie agate city, China jewelry network

Related articles:     Beijing starting from the NATO 400 km, a prairie "agate city" - the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region County of Xilinguole Meng.        "Zhuguangbaoqi" Duolun County residents Zhang Guixi said: "in Duolun, not specifically looking for Duolun agate, found.
"    reporters visited found in Duolun County, whether it is in the prosperous commercial street, in every nook and cranny shop, see" Duolun agate "brand, the city becomes" is bedecked with jewels".
    Duolun life has inseparable and agate.The people at one's leisure is talking about most agate; after shopping, randomly into a shop Amoy Amoy giving away a agate; gift is agate; graceful girl wearing Agate Earrings, necklaces and belts.
    Duolun agate has become a distinctive local business card, the jade lovers are attracted by the.        reincarnation; Wei Houyun in the county has done 10 years of agate processing technician.
He said, Duolun County in history with gold, silver and other handicraft products known, about 300 years ago has developed a high-quality "agate mine", not only crop is big, breed is much, uniform hardness suitable processing technology, but also transparency, smoothness and refinement are good.
    reporters in agate Artware Factory see, every piece of stone to become qualified, agate, must go through rigorous research, polishing, waxing, part of the need for using modern technology.Finally, jade processing technicians after several hours, or even months meticulously polish and polish.    exquisite handicraft and the perfect combination of agate, agate jade industry brand gradually started, "a Fuxin East, West Road".
Heyday, Duolun agate output, occupy countrywide agate production near 1/3, enjoy the "prairie agate city" reputation.    agate artware factory director Han Jianqiang said, now is seeking out of Duolun agate Duolun Road, agate artware factory in the whole area already had 7 outlets, the annual processing 30 tons of stone.

India has replaced Iran to Yiwu small commodity exports the largest destination country, China jewe

Related articles:     the first quarter of this year, the latest data show, the Yiwu customs export India 120000000 dollar, grow 40.5% compared to the same period; the export of Iran $110000000, drops 3.9% compared to the same period, India has replaced Iran, became Yiwu small commodity export destination first, this also means that the successive 27 months ranks first in Yiwu on Iran's export trade rewrite the record has been.
In March, Yiwu small commodity by the Yiwu customs export 23470000 U.S. dollars in Iran, basically the same as last year, but the export cargo 19000 tons, drop compared to the same period 19.8%.However, with the industry expert analysis, Iran, US dollar depreciation is the arch-criminal of fast.
    "from the beginning, the currency of Iran, the substantial depreciation of the export trade was a big blow to.Compared to the same period last year, Iran procurement orders about 1/3.
", Yiwu International Trade City in the business of Mr. Hu said, because the rial and RMB third party to currency conversion, amplification of the exchange rate change the operating pressure.Reportedly, Iran Europe and the United States by a harsh measures the effects of sanctions, the currency rial starts from late January has fallen about 80% dollar, the official exchange rate of 11300 rial IRR from about to 21000 rials around.
"The dollar relative Riyal revaluation, the local procurement to trade cost is huge add.In this case, very few people can achieve high against the U.S. dollar to RMB payment payment."Yiwu in the import and export company concerns chief introduction, since this year, has encountered a number of Iran merchants default case.
Therefore, the company is now on the Iran order carefully, can not answer does not pick.A reporter from the China export credit insurance company Yiwu marketing department learned, recently come to the consultation on Iran's export insurance market for business and enterprise number.
We are very concerned about the substantial depreciation of the loan risk.The marketing director Bi Shiwei, from trade channels, many Yiwu businessmen and buyers from Iran through Dubai transit cargo and complete the transaction, in Iran China (direct barter goods according to the value of swaps, bypassing the currency exchange rate fluctuations) of the very few cases.
In Dubai, the middle settlement currency still in dollars, there are few Iran buyers can direct payment in RMB loans, so the risk of exchange rate will continue to exist for a period of time.He suggested, Yiwu businessmen in the orders, the best first by CITIC Yiwu insurance marketing query each other business qualification and reputation, and then decide whether orders or cover the export insurance, to minimize the risk of trade.

In a small series of count week surname jewelry brand, China jewelry network

Related articles:     speak of "week" surname jewelry brand, you will not be unfamiliar, and even a lot of consumer or the jewelry brand advocates.For example: "Chow Tai Fook, Chow Sang Sang, weeks, enterprise, holds the post of hundred lucky, Jin Liufu Da-Jin Zhou, zhou".
..A number of well-known Hongkong jewelry brand immediately will emerge in our brain.But they talk about their own characteristics and the correlation between the difference, I am afraid we are not so familiar with it.
    today, decorative net Xiaobian plate column a few well-known "week" surname jewelry brand, from the aspects of lead you to check the "week" surname jewelry, have a look the difference between them and behind the development of the story.
    [development] time inventory     development history looks, Zhou Dafu jewelry 83 years long history of warlords     speak of "week" surname jewelry, have to mention is the boss "Zhou Dafu jewelry".
Zhou Dafu with 83 years long history warlords.In 1929, Zhou Dafu's first gold shop in Guangzhou City, Henan by Mr. Zhou Zhiyuan hund was founded, Zhou Dafu was mainly engaged in traditional gold jewelry.
Until 1956, Zhou Dafu officially by Dr. Zheng Yutong took over the management, become a successful example of gold jewelry and the industry leader.Then in the following decades, Zhou Dafu has been to grow and develop, to last year 2011 Zhou Dafu brand market value has reached 19770000000, ranking the "China top 500 most valuable brands" forty-seventh.
    and another Zhou jewelry brand weeks, we were also very familiar, it consists of overseas Chinese was formally founded in 1966, with diamond import and export, wholesale and chain management as the main business scope of the company.
Time passes very quickly. For decades, has now become the market's most influential one of the jewellery brand.Qiazhiyisuan, Zhou Dasheng already had development history of 46 years.    a few days ago, in the jewelry sector and the network they raise a Babel of criticism of the "infringement gate event" the protagonist "Zhou Liufu" jewelry, founded in Hongkong in 2004, in a short span of 8 years, Zhou Liufu has become the gold jewelry industry one of the well-known brands.

Home furnishing accessories into customized gifts new fashion, China jewelry network

Related articles:     currently, the European economy is in the doldrums, the United States of America slow economic growth, the domestic economy by the real estate regulation pulled low growth, most industry insiders said, "now the business is difficult to do".
However, Shanghai home furnishing Decoration Exhibition luxuries but with economic environment contrary to the phenomenon from the exhibition, there is still more than one month, but for the participating enterprises has gone far beyond the expected number.
The organizers encourage Zhan Huabo exhibition company, home furnishing accessories to be customized gifts new fashion, in economic growth slowdown, people are more inclined to buy small commodities.The application of exhibitors choose brand, design ability and innovative products and outstanding exhibitors, looking forward to build truly satisfy the high-end crowd demand brand exhibition.
Home furnishing accessories into customized gifts new fashion it is understood, gift economy once because export crisis hit, but also on China's economic growth has increased year by year, has become a major consumer system organic composition part, in the new pattern of diversified economic development plays a supporting role.
As consumption level promotes ceaselessly, our country dweller on the quality of life in the pursuit of increasingly high, thus enters our country home furnishing accessories market.Reed Exhibitions China Bo relevant responsible person said, the importance of home furnishing decoration highlights to make fashion jewelry become the unit, personal gifts fashion gifts, 2012 luxuries home furnishing decoration exhibition will certainly help get the beautiful gift economy.
Shanghai Bo and trade goods companies is the use value of such consumption trend, a foothold in the gift market basis, vigorously the introduction of home furnishing decoration brand enterprises, the co-development of home furnishing gift market.
In 2011, Bo products together in the minds of consumers enjoy a high visibility and reputation of the well-known international home furnishing brand "Tayohy", become the national gift market dealers.It is reported, the Tayohy brand is committed to providing Chinese consumers more variety of home furnishing products, as well as colorful life experience, has become synonymous with fashion home furnishing.
This cooperation, Bo products and Tayohy will not only in the gift industry to shine, will be in home furnishing accessories industry greatly enhance the influence.Independent innovation to break the market dilemma 2012 spring one or two Fair has been successfully lowered the curtain, from trading situation, design innovation is becoming the important element to enhance the level of trade, has its own brand and design innovation ability of enterprises, have strong bargaining power.
But just closed in Shenzhen gift show, home furnishing textile products in response to modern "green life" fashion needs, through the material and the process improvement, energy saving, environmental protection and health in the first place.
Visible, in the big environment downturn, not all companies will feel cold, if the enterprise has a strong capability of independent innovation is to crack the market dilemma.Reportedly, Shanghai Bo and trade goods companies agency or a freewheeling build Electrolux, including Tayohy, Microlife, Zwilling, gift dreamer, Disney, Spider-Man, Warner, CITIZEN, Honeywell, KENWOOD, Bissell win, twelve major domestic and foreign well-known brands.
As a result of continuous efforts to bring forth the new through the old Bo product development design of fashion, popular with consumers, home furnishing fashion small household electrical appliances, kitchen supplies and other products, throughout the country for gifts, advertising companies to provide a strong product support services and become the leader in the gift market, home furnishing.

High quality tourmaline international market value rises 8 times, China jewelry network

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Decorative observation week surname jewelry to spread what, China jewelry network

Related articles:     [introduction]: Zhou Dafu, Chow Sang Sang, weeks, enterprise, holds the post of hundred lucky, Jin Liufu Da-Jin Zhou, zhou......So much as to "week" × × × × "blessing" format named jewelry brand, they are the "brothers" of the brand? Who has really expected, who is near the famous?     Guangzhou City Intermediate People's court has accepted a "enterprise", "week of the infringement of trademark right, holds the post of hundred lucky" unfair competition cases of second instance, cause all circles on the market there are many "approximate brand".
    event: Zhou Liufu sued Zhou Baifu for trademark infringement, Zhou Baifu denied that the     both the focus of controversy is the week holds the post of hundred lucky without a permit, unauthorized use of the "Zhou Liufu" logo, trademark infringement and unfair competition.
Enterprise says, holds the post of hundred lucky week without their permission, Guangzhou in a jewelry store advertising, product labels, ensure the single as well as packing box using the "enterprise", "ZHOULIUFUJEWELRY" logo, which constitutes trademark infringement and unfair competition, demand compensation for the economic loss of 300000 yuan, and the case assumed full cost.
    Zhou Liufu official website, in 2004 in Hongkong in China registered, the same year in mainland China were "Zhou Liufu" brand jewelry business, as of 2011 November, the Chinese mainland have 780 outlets, was awarded "China famous brand" title.
And the said Zhou Liufu holds the post of hundred lucky week, sales of jewelry products are well-known products, "Zhou Liufu" brand in Hongkong and the mainland were not allowed to register, does not enjoy the right to exclusive use of trademarks.
Zhou Baifu also said the use of "enterprise" is another name for the "Hongkong jewelry gold Ua International Group Limited" authorized to use.Zhou Baifu was founded in 2010 April, holds the post of hundred lucky week says, in Hongkong to Zhou Liufu naming the company has more than 10 homes, "Zhou Liufu", "ZHOULIUFUJEWELRY" is not unique to the plaintiff.
In early 2011 September, the court of first instance finds Zhou Baifu there are subjective hitchhiking intentionally, the objective of consumer product source confusion, constitute an infringement of trademark right and unfair competition.
    case is in farther cognizance, is difficult to determine the merchant malicious fraud     the enterprise to Zhou Baifu second case is in farther cognizance process.For what is a brand name, which is a copycat, the hospital in the city of Guangzhou intellectual property court president Li Chisen said "don't know", according to the specific cases in order to distinguish.
But consumers bought near the famous products, as well as merchant fraud.    in 2011, the Guangzhou industrial and commercial sector monitoring found, nearly three into jewelry and more than four into a jade goods of poor quality, which relates to the enterprise, brand and other brands.
If the consumer misunderstanding the jewelry brand relationship and jewelry, whether businesses suspected of concealing or even consumer fraud? Riceson pointed out, "if it is to your business registration name provided, subjective and not let consumer misunderstanding of malicious, from the consumer point of view does not constitute a malicious fraud.
"In this case, the Guangzhou intermediate people's court intellectual property court president Li Chisen accepted in the relevant media called "bad", according to the specific cases in order to distinguish.

Dalian Customs to guarantee the third Chinese International Jewelry Fair, China jewelry network

Related articles:     in May 3rd, "the third Chinese International Jewelry Fair" in the exhibition centre officially began, Dalian to guarantee fair normal supervision, rapid customs clearance.From more than 500 well-known jewelry and luxury art enterprises and a variety of well-known brands of debut.
In view of the exhibition high requirements for entry clearance time, number of exhibits, the variety of miscellaneous features, taken by the Customs at the port of entry by Dalian Airport rapid clearance seal, specially composed regulatory working group carry out on-site inspection on-site, from officers responsible for exhibition tour measures, both to ensure the normal regulation of customs, but also for the timely exhibition save precious time, a strong guarantee for the smooth development of the exhibition.

Consumers should raise vigilance, poisonous part of gold jewelry!, China jewelry network

Related articles:     jinqianzaixian inquiry Marilyn? Monroe has sung a song "diamonds are a girl's best friend", but the best friends can in the blink of an eye, because of the containing element exceed the standard, become the most personal "killer".
According to the Bureau of Guizhou Province recently released on the market sales of gold jewelry random sampling results showed: part of the business of sales of gold jewelry, some nickel release was more than 49.
24 times the national mandatory standards.Gold jewelry pass rate of only 5% "consumers to spend big price to buy gold jewelry, the most concern is the purity is required, there is no reach the nominal content.
All the time, few people spend money identification of harmful elements, and by detecting purity are."Guizhou gold jewelry and test center's person in charge Mr. Zhang told reporters, in general, of precious metal jewelry may contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, arsenic and nickel in six and other harmful elements.
According to the national mandatory standards, the contents of these elements must be less than 0.1%, the release of nickel content less than 0.5 micrograms / (cm 2 weeks? "), that is to say, either with the noble metal or its alloy made jewelry, which contains elements may be harmful to human health".
However, from the provincial Trade and Industry Bureau recently released on the market sales of gold jewelry random sampling results, our province gold jewelry quality is not optimistic, the qualified rate of only 5%, only 4 of all merchandise items are qualified, nine into above products are label unqualified.
Most people gasped is, some gold jewelry should exceed the standard of harmful elements, and exceed the standard scary: one gold zircon ring, nickel release = 24.620 micrograms / (cm 2? Weeks), is to allow the release of volume 49.
24 times; another 18K jade pendant, the volume of nickel release 1.065 micrograms / (cm 2? Weeks), is to allow the release of volume 2.13 times.It is understood, nickel is a cheap, can increase the brightness and hardness of metal jewelry raw materials, commonly used in white gold jewelry.
In view of the problems found in monitoring, the provincial Trade and Industry Bureau has asked local departments in accordance with the law on the unqualified product and related persons responsible for processing, and continue to strengthen supervision.
Radioactive elements will exceed the standard carcinogenesis is it right? Gold jewelry in the heavy metal contents exceed the standard will be exerted on the body harm?Geological survey of Guizhou province Luo Mingxue Engineer answer.
According to Luo Mingxue, engineer, lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, arsenic and nickel are heavy metals, some gold jewelry is also contain these elements, but not so long as through food, beverage, pharmaceutical, respiratory, excess into the body, only through skin contact, will not cause harm to the human body.
Heavy metal content exceed the standard, only represent the gold jewelry of impurity composition in excess, jewelry quality problems, the higher the content of its inevitable decline in quality more.Radioactive element uranium, thorium may also exist in some gold jewelry, once these elements content exceed the standard, means that a radioactive dose to exceed the standard.
No matter how to act on the human body, will bring damage to body health!Hair loss, skin ulcers, anemia is injured body performance directly, also may produce canceration, and no matter what kind of radioactive elements and radiation dose exceed the standard, can cause serious consequences.

China's northern border to build first jade jewelry test center, China jewelry network

Related articles:     China's northern border first jade test center in Heilongjiang recently inaugurated the East-Port, for Chinese coastal ports of imported Russian, gem and toward more standardized, and stable development has provided the conditions.
    according to the Heilongjiang entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau chief Gao Jianhua said, the establishment of the jade jewelry test center main function is to bear the port in Heilongjiang province jewelry jade identification business and scientific research and technology development and services, and provide legal detection identification and testing of business.
    industry, detection and identification center was established, will make the diamond jewelry trade development more healthy, normative, avoid customers buy fake.    reportedly, Russia is the world's most important diamond producer and Baoyu stone origin.
China is the world's fifth largest rough diamond trade country, is second only to India in the world's second largest diamond processing.    East is located in Chinese northeast borderland, with Russia border on, is a national land ports.

Buy gold jewelry has become the young people to pursue fashion, China jewelry network

Related articles: The wedding boom drives the gold jewelry consumption "five one" during the marriage season, early in April, in the gold jewelry store sales will usher in a peak sales."Five one" during, the reporter visited the city each just gold discovery, because "five one" a lot of gold jewelry store launched price promotions than usual, to attract more customers to select, purchase.
The urban district a gold jewelry store sales staff introduction, today many couples will marry the good days in late May, while "five one" holiday pick Gold Jewelry New lot."Marriage has to buy gold custom, buy gold bracelet, Kim Ko's new more.

More than just the sales staff, in fact, from April since, businesses have made the wedding season ride, gold jewelry sales rose.Especially the unique, exquisite designs of gold jewelry, is very popular with young people.Moreover, some new friends and relatives also went to the shop to pick bars technology as gave new gift."As we sell this 10 grams, 20 grams of bars technology is very popular.This year is the year of the dragon, a lot of people like a dragon, before paragraph time this patterning process bars are sold out.

Exchange gold jewelry style citizens rather than the reporter understands, in addition to the wedding boom drives the gold jewelry consumption, "five one" during the promotion, price fall after a rise, also attracted a lot of public to exchange gold jewelry style.A gold shop sales staff said, "five one gold" during each Li to reduce 20 yuan, has attracted a lot of customers to replace the old styles of gold jewelry."To replace the ring, pendant style customers more.In general, bracelets, rings, pendants and other jewelry is also quite popular.I 'five one' period bought himself a fine gold necklace, also bought a gold ring."Citizen Miss Yu told reporters, "holidays gold indeed than usual number of concessions, the sales staff said the festival gold jewelry prices back to normal.

Burma jade carving price 210000000 the onlookers, China jewelry network

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Violates the above enunciator, this net will investigate its related legal liability.② every this net indication "origin: XXX (non Chinese jewelry network)" works, reprints from other media, reprinted designed to transmit more information.
Does not represent the agree with their views and be responsible for their authenticity.③ as a result of works, copyright or other problems with China jewelry network connection, please post within 30 days upon.

Adidas a quarter of global sales revenue increased 14% net profit by 38%, China jewelry network

Related articles:     adidas group released the first quarter of the global performance.The first quarter of 2012, Adidas global sales revenue grew 14%, amounting to 3824000000 euros.Group based on Shareholder's net income by 209000000 euros in 2011 grew 38%, amounting to 289000000 euros.
A quarter of the group, the wholesale business revenue growth of 10%; by the comparable store sales revenue grew 9% to drive, its retail business income compared with last year growth of 16%; other business revenue growth of 32%.
Gross margin declined by 0.7 percentage points, to 47.7%.Although business and business together to see the overall sales were positive, the higher the rate of profit of retail business sales revenue share also increased, but these are not enough to offset the increased cost of.
China area sales revenue increased 26% according to the exchange rate constant calculations, Adidas in all areas to achieve the growth.Among them, in the Greater China region sales revenue grew 26%, to 385000000 euros.
Sports performance on the growth of sale income to rise to urge action.Distribution of stores and store all maintained a large number of passenger flow, store comparable sales revenue grew 10% in the first quarter.
In addition, Adidas in Western Europe income increased by 7%, in the emerging European market sales growth of 15%; North America sales amounted to 869000000 euros, an increase of 11%.In Japan and South Korea area of strong two digit growth is driven, the group in other Asian market sales revenue increased 26%.
In the Latin American region, sales revenue increased 14% to 372000000 euros.Expected 2012 net profit increase of 12% to 17% the company is expected in 2012, group sales revenue will be close to the growth rate of 10%, based on the shareholder's net income is expected to be 12% to 17% of the increase, to 750000000 euros to 785000000 euros.
Thanks to the group in the fast-growing emerging markets with high visibility and the further expansion of retail business.In addition, some of this year's major sporting events will also group sales revenue positive stimulus.

A civil aviation express the value of jewelry 6000000, China jewelry network

Related articles: ① every this net indication "China jewelry network" works, copyright is belong to Chinese jewelry network, without this net written authorization shall not be reproduced, extract and compile and use.Already this net written authorization to use the net work, should use in the scope of authority, and indicates "the origin: China jewelry network".
Violates the above enunciator, this net will investigate its related legal liability.② every this net indication "origin: XXX (non Chinese jewelry network)" works, reprints from other media, reprinted designed to transmit more information.
Does not represent the agree with their views and be responsible for their authenticity.③ as a result of works, copyright or other problems with China jewelry network connection, please post within 30 days upon.

500 yuan to buy the stone cut emerald, China jewelry network

Related articles:     "five one" held during the Zhongshan Festival, people on the rubble generated strong interest.Which Guangdong Province collectors association, Beijing Dong Bo Shek Jewellery Limited company to undertake "bet stone" is attracting a large number of Zhongshan jade collectors to "bet stone".
In the scene, there are people with 500 yuan "bet" million worth of jade.In the scene, a man named Li with the price of 500 yuan to buy a piece of like papaya size paint with black stone, after cutting, which revealed the dark green jade color.
"This stone is a bet on!It's kind of comparison is good, it is old pit, head is good, which can be made into a small green Carved Bangle Bracelet hand, if it is good, the price can achieve 10 thousand yuan, other materials can also be made into the crafts.
"The staff said.Reportedly, "bet stone" is the emerald within the industry as a traditional stone trading.In the first Zhongshan Jade Stone Fair exhibitors 8 tons of wool is the sponsor of the Burma airlift, for public amateur tasting, Beijing Dong Bo Shek Jewellery Limited company chairman Dong Yumin to express: "bet stone is the first 'according to skin broken stone', high quality green jade more production in yellow, brown and black leather; followed by 'according to color', a python python bet where easy colored; third is the 'according to the bet stone', generally more green more fresh better.

2000000000 yuan of jewelry reward Jane will attract sb.'s attention, China jewelry network

Related articles:         when the total value of more than 2000000000 yuan more than 300 pieces of treasures from the same location at the same time, even more brilliant stars would be its blinding light cover.
These beautiful and full of dynamic tension jewelry surrounded by a 63.66 carats of giant white diamonds, it is the evening star of exhibits.    when the total value of more than 2000000000 yuan more than 300 pieces of treasures from the same location at the same time, even more brilliant stars would be its blinding light cover.
Recently, in the 798 Beijing Art Center, Paris jewelry brand Cartier gives us a visual display of excite people's mind.That night, appeared in front of people have absorbed from Middle Eastern music and Islamic totem Middle East series, the fragrance into entity Sortilge de Cartier series and representative fusion cheetah, orchids and other animal and plant Naturellement series.
These beautiful and full of dynamic tension jewelry surrounded by a 63.66 carats of giant white diamonds, it is the evening star of exhibits.    this open up a fresh outlook jewelry show in the layout of a garden landscape exhibition held in.
It is worth mentioning that, Cartier this will also be the brand in the world within the existing "tutti Frutti" series of jewelry all Chinese, allowing visitors to witness the brand logo of colorful and exotic jewelry color.